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Brand New Cable X-Y Interface 24pin, 3.25inch DIP Ribbon cable for the Sega / Gremlin Vector arcade machines. Original OEM part numbers include:
This Cable is custom assembled in the USA for and is pin-to-pin compatible to the original. Please Note: The original OEM cable is 3inches long; while we give you about 1/4inch more length for a little bit more working room in your game. Additionally, each cable receives 100% electrical test (etest). Here's a comparison of OEM vs our 4inch Cable:
Replace those 30year old fragile ribbon cables with a brand-new cable.
Works with Sega X-Y boards contained in the following games:
- Star Trek,
- Eliminator,
- Space Fury,
- Zektor,
- or TAC/Scan.
Like the stock ribbon cables; these have a red pin one marking on the grey cable itself. The Red side should always face Pin 1. If in doubt; Check this web site for general ribbon cable orientation. Additionally; the pins are labeled on the top surface of the blue DIP connectors.
Cable Installed:

[4 inch cable] Photo Credit: ieure @ KLOV
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